Posted: October 3rd, 2016

Diseases with a natural history that can be altered by medical intervention

20. In general, screening should be undertaken for diseases with the following feature(s): [ONE POINT]

a. Diseases with a natural history that can be altered by medical intervention
b. Diseases with a low prevalence in identifiable subgroups of the population
c. Diseases for which case-fatality rates are low
d. Diseases that are readily diagnosed and for which treatment efficacy has been shown to be equivocal in evidence from a number of clinical trials
e. None of the above

21. When a new treatment is developed that prevents death but does not produce recovery from disease, the following will occur: (ONE POINT)

a. Prevalence of the disease will decrease
b. Incidence of the disease will increase
c. Incidence of the disease will decrease
d. The incidence and the prevalence of the disease will decrease
e. Prevalence of the disease will increase
22. The extent to which a specific health care treatment, service, procedure, program, or other intervention produces a beneficial result under ideal controlled conditions is its: [ONE POINT]
a. Effectiveness
b. Effect modification
c. Efficiency
d. Efficacy
e. None of the above

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