Posted: January 8th, 2017

Research and review the Five Rights of Delegation , list one of them, discuss what it means in your own words

Rights of Delegation


CAT Extra Credit – Rights of Delegation

Class as RNs we need to consider our own scope of practice as well as those we supervise and delegate tasks to. Research and review the Five Rights of Delegation , list one of them, discuss what it means in your own words and tell me where you found your information. No references are required for this reply.


This is extra credit , but doing so will net you one substantial post ( as relying to any of my focus questions will. )This post is simply about delegation and is not a hint or instruction to focus on delegation in the answer to your original question. There is much more to determining scope of practice than the rights of delegation. =)

PS – listing more than one right or copying and pasting the list/ info will result in no credit for the reply

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