Posted: December 6th, 2022

PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

Each module in this course provides fundamental information in a critical area of applied behavior analysis. At the end of each module, you will take a test to demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered.

This week’s Test assesses your knowledge of the assigned course readings and material introducing you to applied behavior analysis. PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources and consider how these resources will guide your understanding of applied behavior analysis as you prepare for your Module 1 Test.

Test Instructions

  • This Test consists of 10 multiple-choice or true/false questions.
  • Each question is worth one point.
  • Questions are presented in a random order.
  • This Test allows you to go back to check or change your answers at any point during your allotted Test time.
  • You may use your course readings and other resources to help you. This Test is open book.
  • You will have unlimited time to finish this Test by the end of the week.
  • You must pass the Test at 90% for competency.
  • Once the Test has been submitted, the correct answer will be indicated when you have given an incorrect answer.
  • If you need to retake the Test, a new Test will be generated.


Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

Each module in this course provides fundamental information in a critical area of applied behavior analysis. At the end of each module, you will take a test to demonstrate your understanding of the topics covered.

This week’s Test assesses your knowledge of the assigned course readings and material introducing you to applied behavior analysis.

To Prepare

  • Review the Learning Resources and consider how these resources will guide your understanding of applied behavior analysis as you prepare for your Module 1 Test. PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis

Test Instructions

  • This Test consists of 10 multiple-choice or true/false questions.
  • Each question is worth one point.
  • Questions are presented in a random order.
  • This Test allows you to go back to check or change your answers at any point during your allotted Test time.
  • You may use your course readings and other resources to help you. This Test is open book.
  • You will have unlimited time to finish this Test by the end of the week.
  • You must pass the Test at 90% for competency. PSYC 6717 Module 1 Test: Introduction to Applied Behavior Analysis
  • Once the Test has been submitted, the correct answer will be indicated when you have given an incorrect answer.
  • If you need to retake the Test, a new Test will be generated.

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