Posted: July 13th, 2016

QSEN competencies; Plan a day in your life as a master’s-prepared nurse in your chosen role. ( role in education)

QSEN competencies

Create a 6- to 8-slides PowerPoint presentation.

Plan a day in your life as a master’s-prepared nurse in your chosen role. ( role in education)

Reflect on your role now, and what you envision it to be as a master’s-prepared nurse in regards to

• becoming more of an expert in two QSEN competencies that you consider important in your future role. • changes that will be necessary in your ethical inventory and how you plan to initiate them. • ways your personal philosophy will guide your change in role. • steps to accomplish the goals and changes you identify.

Include speaker notes for each frame of your presentation.

Cite a minimum of five scholarly sources. References should be from 2010-2015 (with in text citations in speaker notes)

QSEN competencies

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