Posted: July 26th, 2016

PERCHLOROETHYLENE OR “PERC” Found in: Dry­cleaning solutions, spot removers, and carpet and upholstery cleaners

PERCHLOROETHYLENE OR “PERC” Found in: Dry­cleaning solutions, spot removers, and carpet and upholstery cleaners. Health Risks: EPA classifies perc as a “possible carcinogen”. People who live in residential buildings where dry cleaners are located have reported dizziness, loss of coordination and other symptoms. While the EPA has ordered a phase­out of perc machines in residential buildings by 2020, California is going even further and plans to eliminate all use of perc by 2023 because of its suspected health risks. The route of exposure is most often inhalation: that telltale smell on clothes when they return from the dry cleaner, or the fumes that linger after cleaning carpets. For more details, visit this web site:­ethy.html What are some of the chemicals do you routinely come into contact with on a daily, weekly, or biweekly basis? You should also search for health effects of those chemicals and post that as well. The websites to search are: and the EPA

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