Posted: December 28th, 2016

Patient safety is the most important aspect of nursing practice, comment

Patient safety is the most important aspect of nursing practice. Knowing the laws, rules, and standards can also enhance safe care. Nurses are held accountable to follow the laws, regulations, and rules of the licensing authority and the standards and eth

i need an opinion from this comment, no more than 150 words.

Patient safety is the most important aspect of nursing practice. Knowing the laws, rules, and standards can also enhance safe care. Nurses are held accountable to follow the laws, regulations, and rules of the licensing authority and the standards and ethics of their profession. These laws, rules, and standards include meeting educational requirements, maintaining competence in practice, and refraining from engaging in any acts of professional misconduct such as abusing a patient; practicing incompetently, fraudulently or while impaired; failing to document appropriately; revealing personally identifiable information about a patient; and inappropriately delegating professional acts.

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