Posted: January 13th, 2023
NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay
Re: Topic 2 DQ 1
What is a definition of family that encompasses the different family structures prevalent today?
The definition of a family that encompasses the different family structures in modern times is the family of choice. According to Green (2018), this type of family is unique in that the individual chooses the individual to care, love and trust for them rather than their family or origin.
Discuss the importance of acknowledging nontraditional family structures.
It’s important for the nurse to acknowledge the non- traditional family structure so that health promotion can be implemented according to their family structure. The concerns of a nontraditional family might be different than a traditional family unit. As mentioned in the chapter on health promotion, for the nurse to understand what “family,” is, it’s important to assess so that proper interventions can be placed (Green, 2018). Proper assessment of the family structure of the individual will aid the nurse to promote health and behavioral changes. It’s also important to note that an individual’s illness affects the family’s health as well. The family unit can have a negative or positive impact on each other NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay.
Explain how family systems theory can be used to better understand the interactions of a modern family (traditional or nontraditional)
The family systems theory can be used when interacting with any type of family whether traditional or non-traditional as the approach is the same. In family systems theory, the family is a whole and each member of the unit affect each other. The family member is independent, has personal goals, roles, functions, and individual characteristic, but is interdependent of the family unit. Understanding the importance of each person in the patient’s family unit is crucial to engage the family in promoting changes to improve health outcomes. The family systems theory helps to aid the Nurse in health promotion to understanding the patient’s behaviors. Among family systems theories the main theme is that they all empower the individual to make decisions that will make them feel valued, loved, and accepted. Individual want others attention, approval, and support as well as feel connected to their family unit. The family unit is an emotional unit that is very emotionally connected (Devlin, 2021).
Devlin, K. (2021). Family Systems Theory Definition & What is it? Retrieved October 11, 2021from
Green, S.Z. (2018). Health Promotion: Health and Wellness Across the Continuum. Retrieved from NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay
What is a definition of family that encompasses the different family structures prevalent today? Discuss the importance of acknowledging nontraditional family structures. Explain how family systems theory can be used to better understand the interactions of a modern family (traditional or nontraditional).
it is important for a nurse to understand the family system theory. That way, she knows to include the family in the decision-making and care of the patient. because any decision taken on the patient indirectly affects the entire family.
response 2
That is so well written you discussed the family structure and the use of the Family Systems Theory. The system created by these individuals influences values and morals.
sample 2
sample 2
“Because of the multitude of definitions of “family” and the changing realities of the current times, there is a felt need for redefining the family and the common types, for the purpose of study of the family as a factor in health and other variables of interest. The following definition of a “family” is hence proposed. People related by marriage, birth, consanguinity or legal adoption, who share a common kitchen and financial resources on a regular basis.” (NCBI 2013)
There are eight concepts using the family systems theory and they include:
Being able to respond to anxiety, separating thoughts from feelings, and being able to cope with the many changes in life successfully is being able to differentiate yourself. The emotional triangle means that there are always two sides to emotions. The triangle includes harmony and conflict, and they are a constant balance. Knowing when projecting on family members is key to help prevent having a negative impact NRS-429VN Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay. As generations continue to pass on, differentiation can lower and eventually break the pattern if the individuals find partners with similar or lower levels. Knowing when to be able to distance yourself emotionally will not only be helpful to you but family members as well depending on the situation. Siblings and their ranking in the family have their own roles. Older children have a duty to help and be role models for younger children. Society always plays an important role in the family. It can affect the household in many ways, good and bad, causing even more stress. The nuclear process is always a high anxious and high energy family. Constant fighting, arguments and criticism passing on more stress and anguish to the family dynamics.
Regardless of the family, it is important to know how it works to be able to help each family in the household thrive, especially with their healthcare. Achieving good outcomes at home, most likely the family will be participating and knowing how they work can get the right tools and people in place to be successful.
References: Topic 2 DQ 1 family structures discussion essay
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