Posted: October 5th, 2016

introduction of retrospective and case control study and reference with updated references

Instruction about methodology please follows it:
1­intoducation about what the meaning of methodology in general in nursing research with updated
2­ Research objectives in my study
3­ Research design (introduction about what the meaning of design in nursing research with updated
references) and write also (introduction of retrospective and case control study and reference with
updated references )
4­setting introduction in nursing research with updated references and write about   medical record department by using patients files and electronic files .
5­ Sample( introduction about sampling from nursing research with updated references )
And write about my sample ( size , type, duration ):
6­data collection tool (check list modified by me) In details: modified to be more specific about the risk
factors of CABG was general chick list it is( bundle of surgical site infection)>>> please write this by
scientific way of writing and write more reasons
7­ Check list include ( you have check to chick list form) it is filled by me form each patients file ( 1­
demographic date
(2­ Patients’ factors
(3­ Preoperative factors
(4­ Introperative factors
(5­ Postoperative factors
(6­ Wound infections
(7­ Nursing management
8­ Producer first write introduction about ethical approval ( from nursing research study ) with updated
(2­ Consent form: it was not because the director agree with ethical approval
(3­ Validity : please write here more details from nursing research
(4­ Pilot study (
9­ Data collection:

10­ 3 cases are missing (
11­ Summary
And please follow this twelve steps also when you are writing

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