Posted: November 4th, 2016

The idea that the assisted suicide of terminally ill patients should be allowed simply at the patient’s direction reflects what type of ethics?

For each of the following multiple choice questions, please select the Philosophy (and/or Philosopher) which best goes with each description below. Question 1. 1.(TCOs 2, 4, 5, 6) The idea that the assisted suicide of terminally ill patients should be allowed simply at the patient’s direction reflects what type of ethics?(Points : 5) Hobbes’ State of Nature Rand’s Objectivism Aristotle’s concept of Virtue Thomas Aquinas’ concept of conscience Socrates’ concept of excellence Question 2. 2.(TCOs 1, 2, 7) What is the moral ideal of justice? (Points : 5) Acts of mercy beyond what is required Making decisions in order to build friendships Meeting legal requirements Evaluation of situations according to their merits Meeting the terms of the Social Contract Question 3. 3.(TCOs 1, 2) One of the common errors in Ethics is unwarranted assumptions. Unwarranted assumptions consist of what? (Points : 5) Preconceptions before ethical dilemmas are confronted Failing to read carefully and with attention to detail Taking too much for granted Speculating apart from information Treating case studies carelessly

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