Posted: December 24th, 2016

HF Compare and contrast pathologic mechanisms with emphasis on hemodynamic interactions, and the complex constellation of neurohumoral, inflammatory, and metabolic processes, and the clinical manifestations of systolic, diastolic, and mixed heart failure (HF).

Complete the following critical thinking exercise. This is an individual assignment and provides an opportunity to start applying what you’ve learned this week. Any copying of the feedback answers will result in a 0. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a failing grade. You should complete your own work.

· HF Compare and contrast pathologic mechanisms with emphasis on hemodynamic interactions, and the complex constellation of neurohumoral, inflammatory, and metabolic processes, and the clinical manifestations of systolic, diastolic, and mixed heart failure (HF). Include a description of the complications associated with HF.

Assignment Details

· APA style


Scholarly Presentation 3 pages minimum excluding cover and reference pages.

APA Format

Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation

References (2 – 3) other than the textbook and not less than 5 years old

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