Posted: November 4th, 2016

Explain how, using your philosophy, you would have solved this situation either the same way as the character in the situation did, or differently. Why?

, 7) In support of TCO #7 and in the Week 7 discussions, you developed and placed into the threaded discussions your personalized ethics statement of what has become important to you in the practice of ethics as you have practiced ethics during the course. Your first task in this question is to briefly present that personalized statement in just a few sentences before continuing with the question. Much of the rest of the exam will involve your working with that personalized statement through brief applications and cases. Use your ethical philosophy to solve the following ethical situation. Explain how your philosophy helped you make your decision. Should citizens have an ethical obligation to serve their country when it is at war? Under what circumstances, if any, is it ethical for a person to refuse to serve? A significant number of people believe war is always wrong, and that no circumstances justify one nation’s taking up arms against another. Is this view ethically sound? How about realistically? Please state which side you agree with, and why. Explain and defend your position using your ethical position statement. In answering, be sure to look at both sides of war: that is, a country defending itself against aggression and of a strong country coming to the aid of a weaker country that has been attacked unjustly. Then, explain how your ethical philosophy affected how you answered this problem. (Points : 30) Spellchecker Question 2. 2. (TCOs 1, 2, 7) Analyze the following ethical situation using YOUR ethical philosophy. Read the situation and then in your answer, explain why this is an ethical situation, what the “issues” are, and how an “ethical” person would resolve them. Explain how YOUR ethical philosophy has helped you reach a conclusion about how to resolve or analyze this situation. As a result of the economic down-turn starting in 2008, efficiency has become more and more the byword of the successful business person. The axioms of the efficiency expert are: “Eliminate what need not be done; simplify what must be done; combine tasks wherever possible.” Putting this into practice means, among other things, eliminating people’s jobs. Sometimes it also means making one person do two or three people’s jobs. As company’s gain the upper hand in employment (when the number of employees wanting good jobs is higher than the number of good (i.e. high paying) jobs available), they will more and more expect employees to be willing to work longer hours and to do accomplish more and varied tasks. 1. Under what circumstances is it ethical business practices to ask employees to multi-task or do more than one person’s job? 2. Under what circumstances is it ethical for an employee to refuse to do more work than can be taken on in a conventional 40-45 hours per week? 3. Let’s assume that it is BECAUSE employees are willing to multi-task and do two or three people’s jobs, that others LOSE their jobs. Who is more at fault ethically? The employer who requests the extra work from the remaining employees? Or the employees who are willing to do the extra work, thereby putting the others who aren’t willing out of work? (Points : 30) Spellchecker Question 3. 3. (TCOs 1, 7, 9) How do you feel Immanuel Kant would have solved the above ethical situation differently or the same as you did using your philosophy? Please explain the reasons for the similarities or differences. (Points : 40) Spellchecker Question 4. 4. (TCOs 1, 2, 4, 9) Regina is chairperson of her city’s United Fund campaign. In her annual preparations meeting with her staff of canvassers, she gives this advice: “Hit the business places first. Don’t approach anyone who is walking alone in a hall or working alone in a closed office. Look for two or more people standing together or working side by side. Try to make them compete with each other in generous giving. Capitalize on their desire to show off and outdo the next person.” She then states that the canvasser who raises the most money of all will be awarded with a 5% cut of the total amount that canvasser raises. Her approach pays off and the United Fund raises the most money ever. Tell what ethical philosophy Regina is using, if any. Now, use your ethical philosophy to analyze the situation. Explain how, using your philosophy, you would have solved this situation either the same way as the character in the situation did, or differently. Why? (Points : 30) Spellchecker Question 5. 5. (TCOs 5, 6) You are a new employee in an advertising company. Your client is a well known soup manufacturer who wants to feature in advertisements a picture showing the solid ingredients in its soup. Unfortunately, your advertising group found that the solid ingredients sank to the bottom of the bowl and were barely visible. All that could be seen was the broth. Your boss hits upon a solution–put marbles in the bottom of the bowl before pouring in the soup! You try it and the vegetables sit nicely on the top, giving the appearance of thick soup. Your boss wants you to run with the project with this solution. What will you do? Explain why you will do this and what ethical analysis you used to come to this conclusion. (Points : 30) Spellchecker Question 6. 6. (TCOs 6, 8) Analyze your answer above using the Front Page of the Newspaper ethical dilemma resolution model. Show your steps. (Points : 40) Spellchecker Attachments area

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