Posted: December 9th, 2016

Examine the content and then in a minimum of 250 words, share your perceptions with your peers.

The revenue cycle in the health care industry is unique considering the interaction between provider, payer and patient. Add on top of this the ongoing confluence of factors surrounding the 2015 transition to ICD-10 CM/PCS, price transparency, consumerism and various reimbursement structures (e.g., fee for service (FFS), bundled payments, value based purchasing, risk based / capitated, etc) and you have an extremely complicated revenue model. On the flip side of this coin, we also contend with a robust procurement chain with hundreds of thousands of end items required to service any modern acute care facility. For this Discussion, read the following article titled “Medicare’s Bundled Payment Initiatives: Consideration for Providers” that provides a look at the concept from a number of perspectives. Click here to access the article: Examine the content and then in a minimum of 250 words, share your perceptions with your peers. Your initial post to the given topic of discussion should contain a minimum of 2–3 peer-reviewed references.

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