Posted: December 28th, 2022

DNP-801A-RS1-Doctoral Dispositions Acknowledgement of Review

Doctoral Dispositions and Acknowledgement of Review

At Grand Canyon University, doctoral learners:
Are committed practitioner-scholars, passionate about their field, who become leaders in the disciplines and communities they serve.
Are self-directed learners, able to self-motivate toward their continued pursuit of knowledge.
Value critical thinking and feedback, possessing an openness to new ideas, ready to challenge assumptions and consider other viewpoints.
Are committed to reflective practice, asking questions of both self and others.
Understand and know how to communicate effectively. DNP-801A-RS1-Doctoral Dispositions Acknowledgement of Review
Are committed to producing scholarly research that is ethical and academically honest through asking questions, solving problems, and enhancing performance in their professional roles in order to contribute locally and globally to their field of study.


Attend the “Doctor of Nursing Orientation Webinar” in preparation for the program.
Are proficient in accessing and utilizing the following resources located in the DC Network: “Direct Practice Improvement Project Groups and Associated Milestones,” “DNP Learner Expectations,” and “DNP Direct Practice Improvement Project Recommendations.” DNP-801A-RS1-Doctoral Dispositions Acknowledgement of Review
Are proficient in accessing and utilizing the APA, PowerPoint, and writing resources located in the Writing Center of the Student Success Center.
Acknowledgement of Review:
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have reviewed doctoral dispositions, attended the “Doctor of Nursing Orientation Webinar,” and have accessed and reviewed the “Direct Practice Improvement Project Groups and Associated Milestones,” “DNP Learner Expectations,” “DNP Direct Practice Improvement Project Recommendations,” and the APA, PowerPoint and writing resources in the Writing Center of the Student Success Center. I agree to uphold the doctoral dispositions and comply with the expectations of the program.
Signature: ____________________________________ Date:_____________________ 

DNP-801A-RS1-Doctoral Dispositions Acknowledgement of Review

Doctoral Dispositions and Acknowledgement of Review

At Grand Canyon University, doctoral learners:
Are committed practitioner-scholars, passionate about their field, who become leaders in the disciplines and communities they serve.
Are self-directed learners, able to self-motivate toward their continued pursuit of knowledge.
Value critical thinking and feedback, possessing an openness to new ideas, ready to challenge assumptions and consider other viewpoints.
Are committed to reflective practice, asking questions of both self and others.
Understand and know how to communicate effectively. DNP-801A-RS1-Doctoral Dispositions Acknowledgement of Review
Are committed to producing scholarly research that is ethical and academically honest through asking questions, solving problems, and enhancing performance in their professional roles in order to contribute locally and globally to their field of study.
Attend the “Doctor of Nursing Orientation Webinar” in preparation for the program.
Are proficient in accessing and utilizing the following resources located in the DC Network: “Direct Practice Improvement Project Groups and Associated Milestones,” “DNP Learner Expectations,” and “DNP Direct Practice Improvement Project Recommendations.” DNP-801A-RS1-Doctoral Dispositions Acknowledgement of Review
Are proficient in accessing and utilizing the APA, PowerPoint, and writing resources located in the Writing Center of the Student Success Center.
Acknowledgement of Review:
I, (INSERT NAME), verify that I have reviewed doctoral dispositions, attended the “Doctor of Nursing Orientation Webinar,” and have accessed and reviewed the “Direct Practice Improvement Project Groups and Associated Milestones,” “DNP Learner Expectations,” “DNP Direct Practice Improvement Project Recommendations,” and the APA, PowerPoint and writing resources in the Writing Center of the Student Success Center. I agree to uphold the doctoral dispositions and comply with the expectations of the program.
Signature: ____________________________________ Date:_____________________ DNP-801A-RS1-Doctoral Dispositions Acknowledgement of Review

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