Posted: November 10th, 2016

What differentiates the role of the community and public health nurse from other health professionals?

The Role of the Community and Public Health Nurse This week, your Instructor assigned you a chapter in the course textbook that discussed the role of the public health nurse in a specific setting. Based on your assigned chapter and bearing in mind the primary prevention focus of the community/public health nurse, respond to the following:  What differentiates the role of the community and public health nurse from other health professionals? .5in;’=”” list=”” lfo1;=”” level1=”” l0=”” 0in;=”” 11pt;=”” “calibri”,sans-serif;=”” 0);=”” 0,=”” rgb(0,=””> .5in;’=”” list=”” lfo1;=”” level1=”” l0=”” 0pt;=”” 0in;=”” 11pt;=”” “calibri”,sans-serif;=”” 0);=”” 0,=”” rgb(0,=””>What skills and knowledge are necessary for the type of decision making inherent in population-focused nursing practice? .5in;’=”” list=”” lfo1;=”” level1=”” l0=”” 0in;=”” 11pt;=”” “calibri”,sans-serif;=”” 0);=”” 0,=”” rgb(0,=””> .5in;’=”” list=”” lfo1;=”” level1=”” l0=”” 0pt;=”” 0in;=”” 11pt;=”” “calibri”,sans-serif;=”” 0);=”” 0,=”” rgb(0,=””>How do these skills differ from those required in the institutional setting? .5in;’=”” list=”” lfo1;=”” level1=”” l0=”” 0pt;=”” 0in;=”” 11pt;=”” “calibri”,sans-serif;=”” 0);=”” 0,=”” rgb(0,=””> assigned chapter in •Course Text: Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2014). Public health nursing: Population-centered health care in the community. (REv. 8th ed.)Philadelphia: Mosby Elsevier.   is Ch. 39, Advanced practice nurse in the community.

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