Posted: December 8th, 2016

Describe the basic premise of both the community and market-oriented approach to health care, as highlighted in Chapter 10 of your text.

Describe the basic premise of both the community and market-oriented approach to health care, as highlighted in Chapter 10 of your text. To what extent is each multidisciplinary? How might each approach help and/or hinder health care access for immigrants and refugees? What are ways in which these approaches can promote a culturally inclusive health care experience for this group? Include a brief analysis of the role that health delivery models can play alongside these approaches in the provision of culturally competent care. Your initial contribution should be 250 to 300 words in length. Your research and claims must be supported by a minimum of two scholarly sources beyond your course text. Use proper APA formatting for in-text citations and references as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center

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