Posted: September 27th, 2017

A client with a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder has been given a day pass from the psychiatric hospital. The client is due to return at 6pm. At 5pm the client telephones the nurse in charge of the unit and says “6 o’clock is too early. I feel like coming back at 7:30.” The nurse would be most therapeutic by telling the client to:

A client with a diagnosis of narcissistic personality disorder has been given a day pass from the psychiatric hospital. The client is due to return at 6pm. At 5pm the client telephones the nurse in charge of the unit and says “6 o’clock is too early. I feel like coming back at 7:30.” The nurse would be most therapeutic by telling the client to:

1. Return immediately, to demonstrate control
2. Return on time or restrictions will be imposed
3. Come back at 6:45, as a compromise to set limits
4. Come back as soon as possible or the police will be sent

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