Posted: November 1st, 2017

A client was brought to the emergency department after suffering a closed head injury and lacerations around the face due to a hit-run accident. The client is unconscious and has minimal response to noxious stimuli. Which of the following assessment findings if observed after few hours, should be reported to the physician immediately?

A client was brought to the emergency department after suffering a closed head injury and lacerations around the face due to a hit-run accident. The client is unconscious and has minimal response to noxious stimuli. Which of the following assessment findings if observed after few hours, should be reported to the physician immediately?

A. Bleeding around the lacerations.
B. Withdrawal of the client in response to painful stimuli.
C. Bruises and minimal edema of the eyelids.
D. Drainage of a clear fluid from the client’s nose.

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