Posted: February 16th, 2017

How do antibodies in our body function to provide protection against pathogens?

The pre-lab evaluation questions must be answered prior to lab and demonstrated to your lab instructor.  You must read through the assigned chapter readings, lab introduction, objectives, overview and procedure to answer these questions.


Please cite your work for any reference source you utilize in answering these questions.


  1. In your own words: What is an antigen? What is antigenic determinant/epitope? What is an antibody?  What is an antigen-antibody interaction/reaction?


  1. How do antibodies in our body function to provide protection against pathogens?


  1. Briefly compare and contrast innate and adaptive body defenses?


  1. In your words, briefly describe the difference between humoral and cellular adaptive body defenses.


What is the ELISA test and how does it work?

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