Posted: September 19th, 2016

Do acid or base conditions affect how well the drug absorbs into the blood stream?

Case study presentation: Assessment 2

A patient in the pharmacy has several questions about their medication. They want to understand how it works and how they should use the medication. You should identify the functional groups on the drug molecule that are responsible for its mode of action, where the drug is most likely to be absorbed into the blood stream and whether its absorption is affected by acidic or basic conditions.
Your 3 minute presentation should be in two parts,
Part 1
In Part 1 you should present your scientific findings to your peers. This part should include:
• Structure of the molecule
• Identify the functional groups on the molecule and indicate whether you think they would contribute to its solubility/insolubility in water
• Do acid or base conditions affect how well the drug absorbs into the blood stream?
• How do the (acid/base/hydrophilic/lipophilic) characteristics of the drug affect its route of administration (topical/oral etc)
To present your drug structure to the class “your colleagues”. You can use powerpoint, a poster/butchers paper or a hand-out.

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